Sunday, January 20, 2019
Summer Learning Journey Extra
Congrats to everybody who finished the SLJ 2018-2019. If you Haven't finished yet Keep on trying It Finishes on Friday the 25 of January. So Keep on going if you haven't finished.

Summer Learning Journey,
Thursday, January 10, 2019
Day 5 - Activity 3 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
What is one thing that you learned from participating in the Summer Learning Journey programme this year? I have learnt alot this year but the biggest thing I have learnt is that How fun it could be instead of just watching Youtube or Netflix you could do some learning which is going to be very useful.
What is one thing that surprised you? One thing that surprised me was how fast all of this went and how much people are keen about learning in the summer.
What is one thing that concerned or upset you? Was how some people didn't even do one little activity that takes only 5 minutes.
What is one thing that you (or your family) can do, moving forward, to help protect our natural environment? Is to stop using plastic, Using paper carefully and using the electricity less. Another thing that I would like to accomplish is to go outside and see how lucky I am to be living in this beautiful country everyday.
What is one thing that surprised you? One thing that surprised me was how fast all of this went and how much people are keen about learning in the summer.
What is one thing that concerned or upset you? Was how some people didn't even do one little activity that takes only 5 minutes.
What is one thing that you (or your family) can do, moving forward, to help protect our natural environment? Is to stop using plastic, Using paper carefully and using the electricity less. Another thing that I would like to accomplish is to go outside and see how lucky I am to be living in this beautiful country everyday.
Thank you all and all the Summer Learning Journey Teachers!
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 5 - Activity 2 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey

If I was to adopt any 3 animals from the WWF Adoption list
Similarities-Climbs on trees
1. Adopt a Koala
Difference - Lives in Australia
2.Adopt a Three-toed Sloth
Difference - Lives in wetlands
3.Adopt a Panda
Difference - Climbs bamboos
I would pick the koala even though I want to save all the animals.
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 5 - Activity 1 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
Environment Day - Beat Plastic Pollution
3 thing me and my family could do to help this beautiful plant is:
3 thing me and my family could do to help this beautiful plant is:
- Stop using Plastic bags, Plates, Bottles and more.
- Go out a few days and pick up some letter before it goes in the water.
- Having short showers because your parents can save a bit more money on something else like reusable bags
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 4 - Activity 3 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey

I think it is fair that Machu Picchu is banned to tourist because the country needs peace because would you like it if somebody came into a small country you live in and took so much photos of you and around. I know I wouldn't.
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 4 - Activity 2 - Week 4 - SUmmer Learning Journey
I think Countdown made a great decision to stop selling plastic bags. The reusable ones are great for use and great for their business. I also think the price is good it is $1 for
The only thing now is to not sell these ones
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 4 - Activity 1 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
God created Wildlife and created forests, Man loved there Axes and cages.
I choose this saying because it is not right to wear,eat or use bird to test products. We have to make sure to not harm any animals because if we were animals we would be not happy.
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 3 - Activity 3 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
The Power of Ten
If I could save 10 animals or Plants they will be
Kiwi Because it is a native bird to New Zealand
If I could save 10 animals or Plants they will be
Kiwi Because it is a native bird to New Zealand
Maui Dolphins because they are very important and they are dying
Flamingos because they are just so fragile and magnificent
Hibiscus flower because the are so useful and people put the sent into stuff
hydrangeas flower because they are so pretty and the are do much colours
White rose because my mum loves them
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 3 - Activity 2 - Week 4 - Summer Learning - Journey
Protecting the Most Vulnerable - Fact or Fiction?
Is this True or False?
Maui Dolphins are only found off the west coast of New Zealand North Island
Is this True or False?
There are less than 60 Maui Dolphins in New Zealand
Is this True or False?
Scientists say that Maui Dolphins are going to be extinct in 2025
Is this True or False?
Scientists say the Maui Dolphins are going to be extinct in 2033
Is this True or False?
Scientists say Fishing is the biggest threat to Maui Dolphins
Is this True or False?
The dolphins like the fishermen
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 3 - Activity 1 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
Predator Free 2050 – A Call to Arms
I liked the 1st video the most because It taught me how he made stuff and how he could watch and hear stuff. I personally think that this is amazing because you don't have to just use it on animals. The first one was interesting because in a part in the video there was a rat on top of his experiment. So you could see that his experiment worked.
I liked the 1st video the most because It taught me how he made stuff and how he could watch and hear stuff. I personally think that this is amazing because you don't have to just use it on animals. The first one was interesting because in a part in the video there was a rat on top of his experiment. So you could see that his experiment worked.
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 2 - Activity 3 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
A House is Not a Home
I am interested in fruit - and - nut forests in Tajikistan. This project is to help the environment and the people to not get hungry. FFI id working to conserve these forests with support from, among others, the Darwin fund and the Global Trees Campaign.
I am interested in fruit - and - nut forests in Tajikistan. This project is to help the environment and the people to not get hungry. FFI id working to conserve these forests with support from, among others, the Darwin fund and the Global Trees Campaign.
Summer Learning Journey,
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Day 2 - Activity 2 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
A Protective Plant
If I could plant anything in my Garden it would be
Kumara because me and my family love Kumara
If I could plant anything in my Garden it would be
Kumara because me and my family love Kumara
Feijoas because my papa and nan had a tree and my family eat a lot of them
Plums because they are delicious
Strawberries because I love them so so much
Lemons because you can make lemon juice
Oranges because you can make home made juice
Apples because you can make Apple slices and cakes
Pumpkin because we eat them for dinner sometimes
Potatoes because my sister loves them
Onions because we love them
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 2 - Activity 1 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
A Flying Fox
I will love going zip lining in Rotorua because you will get a stunning view.
I would be terrified but I definitely think it will be worth it. Some people will hate it and going on top of the water. At the same time people will love it. One day I wish I can go zip lining.
Comment down below if you have ever zipped lined or if you would like to?
I will love going zip lining in Rotorua because you will get a stunning view.
I would be terrified but I definitely think it will be worth it. Some people will hate it and going on top of the water. At the same time people will love it. One day I wish I can go zip lining.
Comment down below if you have ever zipped lined or if you would like to?
Summer Learning Journey,
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Day 1 - Activity 3 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
The Sky in Shanghai
I won't really want to go to Beijing because I have already been to Hong Kong and Tokyo and Japan so I think I have already visited enough of china.
Comment down below if you would want to go to Beijing or have you already been?
I won't really want to go to Beijing because I have already been to Hong Kong and Tokyo and Japan so I think I have already visited enough of china.
Comment down below if you would want to go to Beijing or have you already been?
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 1 - Activity 2 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
Guardians of the Sea
Do I believe in Taniwhas?
Yes I do and I alway have because I am Maori and I believe that Taniwhas are monsters in the rivers. My dad says to my siblings and I when ever we are in the river watch out for the Taniwhas. I am scared some time so I swim to the shelow side.
Comment down below if you believe in Taniwhas?
Do I believe in Taniwhas?
Yes I do and I alway have because I am Maori and I believe that Taniwhas are monsters in the rivers. My dad says to my siblings and I when ever we are in the river watch out for the Taniwhas. I am scared some time so I swim to the shelow side.
Comment down below if you believe in Taniwhas?
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 5 - Activity 3 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
Let It Rain
I walked out the door and suddenly I smelt a weird smell. It smelt a bit like gas so I ran back into the house and grabbed my long sleeved t-shirt. I wrapped it around my nose as tight as I could but being also mind full that I could still breath. Then we finally were on our way exploring. It was like being in a horror, investigation type of movie. All I could see was darkness. I was regretting walking out of that stupid door. The forest was quiet I couldn't even hear a single bird chirp. An hour went by and I could see nothing. Till over a hedge of sticks laid a dead deer so I shouted "ahhhh" and sprinted back home.
By Tiana and charlee
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 1 - Activity 1 - Week 4 - Summer Learning Journey
World of Wearable (WOW) Art
If I got to interview Dame Suzie Moncrieff I would ask her?
Why did you make WOW?
Who inspired you?
When you where a little girl did you ever think you would make something like WOW?
What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Where did you go to high school and did they help you accomplish your dreams?
Summer Learning Journey,
Friday, January 4, 2019
Day 5 - Activity 2 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
Changing Climates
5 things I do when it is too rainy to go outside
- Play some board games
- Do yoga or stretch
- Have a sleep in
- Have a hot Chocolate and watch some tv
- Spend some time with your family
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 5 - Activity 1 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
Persistent Pollution
Sorry but the video didn't turn on so I saw some other websites.
Sorry but the video didn't turn on so I saw some other websites.
- An air pollutant is a material in the air that can have adverse effects on humans and the ecosystem.
- The five major types of pollution include: air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, light pollution, and noise pollution.
- The most common sources of air pollution include particulates, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide.
Summer Learning Journey,
Thursday, January 3, 2019
Day 4 - Activity 3 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
Crazy, Cool Clouds
I love lying down on the grass and looking up into the sky. No cloud is the same there are some small ones and big ones. Not everybody has time to look at the clouds. So it is very special if you can see a cloud because not everybody can see the same thing as you.
I love lying down on the grass and looking up into the sky. No cloud is the same there are some small ones and big ones. Not everybody has time to look at the clouds. So it is very special if you can see a cloud because not everybody can see the same thing as you.
In this picture the are clouds in it. They are all white and the sky is baby blue. The sun is not in that direction were the clouds are. In the middle there is a cloud witch is shaped in a Mustache. I am not sure what the other clouds are because they are faded.
Have you ever cloud watched?
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 4 - Activity 2 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
The Seven Sisters
An adventurous young man called Mitai lives with his seven handsome brothers in the village of Maketu. He watches his brothers become bewitched by seven beautiful women, and under their spell, the brothers no longer eat, look after themselves, work in their gardens or hunt. Realising the women are patupaiarehe, fairy women, he knows they must be cast far away. They are given to Urutengangana, the god of the stars, and he places the patupaiarehe in the heavens farthest from the earth. Yet once a year, at winter solstice, he allows their beauty to shine in the eastern sky.
An adventurous young man called Mitai lives with his seven handsome brothers in the village of Maketu. He watches his brothers become bewitched by seven beautiful women, and under their spell, the brothers no longer eat, look after themselves, work in their gardens or hunt. Realising the women are patupaiarehe, fairy women, he knows they must be cast far away. They are given to Urutengangana, the god of the stars, and he places the patupaiarehe in the heavens farthest from the earth. Yet once a year, at winter solstice, he allows their beauty to shine in the eastern sky.
Summer Learning Journey,
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Day 4 - Activity 1 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
The Southern Lights
Late at Night there are Lights in the Sky. It Might go bright or go dark. The colours in the sky are beautiful.
L - Late at night
I - In a cold winter's night
G - Got some warm clothes on
H - Having a wonderful time watching the lights
T - Time to go to bed
S - Some of the kids say 5 more minutes
Summer Learning Journey,
Tuesday, January 1, 2019
Day 3 - Activity 2 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
Flying Foxes
If I had a superpower it will be super speed. I want super speed because you can go somewhere in a second and you can run on water.
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 3 - Activity 1 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
Bird of the Year!
I think the Tui deserves the bird of the year.
The Tui is a native bird of New Zealand. In the middle of the day I see the tui on my pohutukawa tree. It looks do beautiful and it just chirps and sings. The Tui lives in trees and flies around. It also lives in the islands like Stewart Island. Tui's eat Nectar, Fruit and insects.

I think the Tui deserves the bird of the year.
The Tui is a native bird of New Zealand. In the middle of the day I see the tui on my pohutukawa tree. It looks do beautiful and it just chirps and sings. The Tui lives in trees and flies around. It also lives in the islands like Stewart Island. Tui's eat Nectar, Fruit and insects.

Summer Learning Journey,
Day 2 - Activity 3 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
Flying Fungi
If there are 7 different kinds of mould in the classroom and it takes 5 days to remove 1.
5 times 7 = 35
It will be 35 days
7 days make 1 week so
5 weeks will be 35 days.
The Answer is 35 days but if you are counting the weeks it will be 5 weeks.
What other strategy would you have used?
If there are 7 different kinds of mould in the classroom and it takes 5 days to remove 1.
5 times 7 = 35
It will be 35 days
7 days make 1 week so
5 weeks will be 35 days.
The Answer is 35 days but if you are counting the weeks it will be 5 weeks.
What other strategy would you have used?
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 2 - Activity 2 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
Carbon Sinks Don’t Stink!
If I got a Carbon Sink I will try and not through away anything because there are people in the world that don't get to eat. But if I had to through away some food I will through away:
Tomato sauce
Raw seafood
Burnt toast
Sour candy
These are some stuff that I won't Throw away:
Cooked Seafood
What will you throw away?
Summer Learning Journey,
Day 1 - Activity 3 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
Burning up
This activity we had to make a chart (Draw/Online) about the temperatures in Dallol / Dasht-e Loot / Tirat Zvi / Kabili / Bandar-e Mahshahr.
the temperatures in each country is so incredibly hot
The hottest temperature on record in each place is: Dallol: 41oC; Dasht-e Loot: 71oC; Tirat Zvi: 54oC; Kabili: 55oC; Bandar-e Mahshahr: 51oC.
Website I used
These are the 10 hottest places on Earth
Day 2 - Activity 1 - Week 3 - Summer Learning Journey
Bee Informed
The word ‘bumblebee’ is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word ‘bumble’ means to
move or act in an awkward or confused manner.
Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of 15 kilometres per hour (km/h).
Bumblebees are very strong! They carry up to 75% percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to 50 as much work as a normal honeybee.
The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including the Honey bee
The word ‘bumblebee’ is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word ‘bumble’ means to
move or act in an awkward or confused manner.
Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of 15 kilometres per hour (km/h).
Bumblebees are very strong! They carry up to 75% percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to 50 as much work as a normal honeybee.
The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including the Honey bee
Summer Learning Journey,
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