
Monday, February 26, 2018

My time at the exclusive hotel

My time at the exclusive hotel

As soon as I got my permission slip to go to a coding shop I thought it would
be extremely boring, but after all I was wrong. When I got in the minibus I felt
free. Singing as loud as I could made me so happy. Looking outside the
window at all the flash cars and the city. At the split second we were there.

It was fancy and posh. The first step in you could see a massive tv and a
long hallway. Our room was quite far away but I didn't mined because we got
to look around. As soon as I walked in our room I saw a big chandelier and lots
of computers. In my mind I thought we were sharing the room with another
school but after all we didn’t.

We met this man called Michael and a lady called Sarah. They told us how to
use scratch so we could make a game called Ghostbusters. It was a bit hard
but I finished it in the end. I was really happy for myself and my friends.
My teachers had a go at making their own and it was very funny to watch.
There were people who came from other countries to come in and out to
check our work they were very nice. The people where from the D5 summit.
There were cameras coming to take photos of us and videos.

I found it very interesting and I don’t think I wasted my time at all.
I loved it how it was all girls and it wasn't too crowded. I would love to go there
again. I can’t what to do some of this inside of our class.

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